Thursday, July 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Kayla!

Ok, so the new backdrop is boring with no personal pictures, but I'm over it. It's simple and you can read everything! Graphic design is obviously not my thing!

So, I just wanted to post some pictures of Kayla's 12th Birthday celebration! I can't believe she's almost a teen. No way am I that old! Enjoy...

Friday, July 09, 2010


Hi all,
Wow! Can you see how much this blog frustrated me? I still haven't fixed it and have no plans to now. I might go back to the generic backgrounds. At least you could read those! Well, I just wanted to share some fireworks pictures that my wonderful brother, Pobby helped me accomplish. I'm learning!

This is my first ever (decent) fireworks shot!

Looking forward to another "photography fieldtrip" with Pobby again soon!

Monday, April 19, 2010


I again remember why I've always used generic backgrounds for my blog. ..and for the record, I HATE Photoshop! Please bear with me...

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Phil's New Toy!

For those of you on Facebook, sorry for the repeats!

Phil is getting reacquainted with an old friend! He hasn't played in twenty some years, but he's still amazing!

I'll throw a video on here after he's had a little while to feel comfortable with it.

We've been very musical lately. So much better than TV or video games for the kids! I hope we can keep it up!

Friday, April 02, 2010

Wes, again

I messed up his picture somehow the first time. I'm too lazy to rewrite the post, sorry! =)

More Pictures

Andy, 13 tomorrow!
Wes, 10 1/2
Kayla, almost 12Biscuit, our other critter

Grandma Peggy's kitty (Magic) is getting so big! ...Andy, too!

Thursday, April 01, 2010


Originally uploaded by tktahoe17.

By the way, the "new toy" is a digital SLR camera! Woohoo!

New Toy

Originally uploaded by tktahoe17.
Phil just gave me a very early birthday present! I'm hoping it will get me back into photography and blogging....Aren't our pets cute? These are two of five. We have another hamster and two cats.