Wow! I can't believe it's been almost a year since my last post! Sorry! Is anyone still out there? Well, I have lots of updates so I might do several posts over the next couple of days...
Let's start with the kids:
We've had a full school year, our first year of really participating in activities for everyone. Wes and Andy played football for the first time this year. Wes LOVED it. Andy liked it but didn't like all the effort he had to put into it. I had that thought a few times myself. I wasn't aware that football practice was three times a week, practices going from 5-7:30. Followed by a game every weekend, half being away games. We went as far as Fallon, 2 hours away from home. Yikes. It was tough to juggle football and dance but we figured it out. Sign-ups are soon for next season and Wes is going to do it again. Andy is still undecided.
Kayla and Jake have both been taking dance classes and we're getting excited about the upcoming recital in June! Kayla has been taking Tap and Jazz and Jake has been taking Hip Hop. So fun.
*Side note: Now I know why I haven't blogged in a while. As soon as I try to write I've got kids reading over my shoulder, asking questions and now Lou, our bird, is screaming for attention right behind me! I can't concentrate!!!!!
Anyway, dance classes. Usually the kids have one performance per class. So, one for Jake and two for Kayla. But Jake's class is joining the "big kids" for a special Hip Hop routine that features all the classes together. So they've been working on that since Christmas. Then just last week the owners decided they wanted to change things up a bit for this year's recital and put on an opening "production number" with as many students as possible. So, both my kids really wanted to do it! Ok, Kayla always gets nervous about the recital and was worried about doing two classes this year because she didn't know if she could remember two dances. Guess she's gotten over that fear! And Jake, this is his first recital. He didn't even want to do the recital! I'm pretty proud of them for facing their fears and taking on a challenge. The new number is to a High School Musical 2 song and they only have 6 half hour classes to learn it. They might throw in a Saturday towards the end. I'm excited! I'll let you know how they do.
So other than their activities, AWANA's and school they haven't had a whole lot of time for much else. We've been making the most of our recent weekends by getting our yard cleaned up and planning and planting our garden. I love spring! Flowers in the front of the house, veggies and herbs in back. We're really considering planting a fruit tree. Maybe an apple, cherry or apricot. Hmmm....
Phil and I are good. Can you believe I STILL can't kneel down on my left knee. You gotta love cement walls and black ice. I am enjoying my new Rav4 though, to look on the bright side! Work is good but my commute is going to straight suck next month. Can you believe they are actually closing, CLOSING the road I drive to work for road construction for three weeks! They'll be opening it for weekends only. That makes my half hour commute to work turn into an hour and 15 minutes, if I don't hit much traffic. That's ONE way! How on earth are the department of transportation people even allowed to do something like that! Especially when people are struggling with the economy already! Who's brilliant idea was that? Oh and you know, they say three weeks but it is sure to be longer than that! I am so not happy.
The pets: the cats are cats. Haha. I love my cats but they dont' really do many new things to report. They eat and sleep and tear up boxes, get into my drawers, chase each other, and try to hunt the bird. I love my kitties! Louie is doing really well. He's getting (sorta) cuddly and starting to learn some tricks. He can go "upside down" (hang of our finger underneath by one foot), do "wings"(lift his wings on command) and the one he's working on now is "turn around". He also is starting to immitate us a little. He says "poo poo" "go poo poo" "what?" and occasionally "peek-a-boo". He also immitates some clucking and other random sound we make. His flight feathers are growing back and he's starting to build up his muscles and confidence. Right now, literally, he is hang from one of his toys on his tree and flapping his wings. He basically looks like he's trying to fly to me but he's tethered to the tree. He's just holding on with his foot. Sometimes he lets go and flies to me! A whole foot and a half! BTW, he can fly just fine around the room when he gets spooked so full flight is coming real soon. Not exactly sure how we'll do with keeping him under control when he can fly away from us (or to us for that matter! Right before we had him clipped last time, he would fly to us every chance he got, even if we were tryintg to leave the room, or go to the bathroom, etc!)
Pheeeeew! Are you still reading? Haha. Sorry. Good time to finish for now. I think I've rambled enough. Until next year? Haha, jk, I'll try to do better...